Tuesday, March 31, 2009

ginseng mixes

this is an example of what happens when you turn something really shitty into something that's a little less shitty, and then you make an alternative mix that's probably on the same level of shittyness as the little less shitty one.
a couple of months ago, i was looking through the hundreds of loops i've made in reason. while what i had was shit, i accidently doubled the song's tempo. two sounds, the bass and a blipping synth run, actually sounded really good at that speed. i put them into a new reason rack and started over. that song became ginseng extract.
when i was done with that, i decided i really didn't like a lot of it, and i started almost over from scratch again. what i did was ginseng tripping mix.
neither of this are exactly what i was going for. which one do you like better?

first mix:

alternative mix:

and just for shits and giggles here is what i originally started out with. the first part is the whole loop i had done, then i isolated the bass and synth tracks at their original speed.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

the washboard

this is a track i did maybe a year and a half ago. somebody told me it reminded them of crydamoure. guy-man, check out the filter! hit me up!!!

this time i remembered the sample. got it from ultimate breaks and beats vol. 1. sometimes when i'm lookin for tracks to load into recycle i skip the really well-known samples, but i bet nobody thought to flip indiscreet like this.

the sample:

what i did with it:

Saturday, March 28, 2009

i'm not lovin you lovin you

i heard this sounded flat. actually it was my first kanye remix, contrary to be posted second. no sample here, other than the obvious. i also spent a lot more time on this one than the porn star edit. what's the verdict?

trying to learn abelton since i dled the latest cracked version. reason is cool, but if i'm going to be sporting a robot mask rocking out on top of a giant light pyramid in five years time i've gotta upgrade.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

don't front on phil!

i forgot to mention that the porn star mix samples "if leaving me is easy" by the one and only phil collins. growing up watching south park psychologically trained me to associate phil with the taste of burb-up in the back of my throat, but after finally giving in the reverby awesomeness of the drums at the end of "in the air tonight", i did give the album a fair chance. kanye was right, again (eyes roll).

the sample

and dessert

both off FACE VALUE

EDIT: by burb-up i of course mean burp-up and not surburban-up

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

love lockdown porn star mix

i always thought it'd be cool when i started a blog that the first post wouldn't acknowledge anything about it being the first post, it would just open in medias res