here's a first in the hearmars world: i am thoroughly unimpressed with kanye's new video.
although conveniently i can't find the link because pitchfork is covering its ass, the far-cry-from-having-the-pretentious-stick-shoved-up-its-ass website called the song itself something like dull and uninspired when it first leaked. now we don't even get shortsightedness. that's not going to stop me from dusting off the soap box though.
at least when kanye was ripping off ralph bashki he was doing it in style. here kanye rips off every nature documentary ever, and manages to present himself so dully throughout the entirety of the video that there's really no reason for him to be in it. in fact, why don't i just pop in my planet earth dvd, turn the sound down, roll up a doobie and play 808s on some dark side of the moon/wizard of oz? (i would wager that the coincidental cuts matching with the music would be a hell of a lot more interesting too)
saying that kanye is the only hip hop artist that would ever do something like this is a point declared moot ages ago when he stopped being hip hop. the only thing this says to me is that hype williams has never seen a jungle before (or the discovery channel for that matter), because when he points his camera at it all he can muster up the ability to do is drool. mr. west, even though you're pretending to be, i know you can't possibly be this humbled by mother nature.
i hope ye gives paranoid a better treatment than this because if not you're going to see me get really saucy.
i am going to continue to accidently post as cory as long as he keeps using my laptop! what i wanted to say was. saucy is not a good look for cory so let's hope kanye steps up his game.