quentin tarantino must be soo pissed at wes anderson. here was QT, king of the soundtrack, dictator of the jukebox, god of all that are album cuts and resurrector of obscure little ditties to the hipster culture palette. he was unchallenged in his craft, until some little nerd(ier) weasel made friends with that guy from devo and started shitting all over quentin's legacy. who does this guy think he is??
well wes anderson, soundtrack machine, you have converted me. quentin's cool, but i have low expectations for inglorious basterds (and its accompanying music). truth be told, while i dig jackie brown, i'm a pop muthafucka and QT just isn't geeky enough to satisfy my needs anymore.
that's what she said.
five movies, five songs. here comes the money shot:
Bottle Rocket: Love - Alone Again Or (okay, starting off with a slight exception since this is love's most well-known song)Rushmore: John Lennon - Oh Yoko!
The Royal Tenenbaums: Van Morrison - Everyone
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou: David Bowie - Queen Bitch
The Darjeeling Limited: The Kinks - Strangers
cool wiki trivia fact i found while hitting the books:
in royal tenenbaums, there is this fantastic scene with luke wilson and gwyneth paltrow in luke's tent that he's set up in his living room. during that scene, luke puts on the rolling stone's album between the buttons, and the songs "she smiled sweetly" and "ruby tuesday" play consecutively. i always thought that was so dope because it made it seem like they were actually just letting the album play out, like would happen in real life (i guess in the olden days now). however, as wiki pointed out, those two songs have never appeared consecutively on any stones release. wes, you sly fox you!
oh yeah, also everyone and queen bitch remind me of a fantastic point: wes anderson is the undisputed champion of slo-mo!!!!!!
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